Create Invoices (PJA)

Create Invoices (PJA)

Table of Contents


The project invoice is created in the "Select Projects for Billing" screen. Once you have selected a project number TRX will fill in all items that have been issued to the project (shipped via pick ticket or received via drop shipped PO) and are eligible to be billed. By default the invoice date is filled in as the current date but that can be changed if needed.


The quantity, unit price, extended price, and taxable status are derived from the project shipping records. Because of this it is important that any changes which would affect the sell price that need to be made after the item has been shipped should be made through change orders never directly in the material plan. 
You are able to change the taxable status of any/all line items if needed and you are also able to change the main tax authority. If you do choose to change the tax authority, press the "Recalc Tax" button after you do to ensure all tax is recalculated correctly. 

  • Net Amount – The total extended amount of all items on the invoice.

  • Material Freight Amt – The freight amount associated with the material items. You can edit taxability by checking the "taxable" checkbox.

  • Material Install Amt – The install amount associated with the material items. You can edit taxability by checking the "taxable" checkbox.

Note: material and freight totals can be changed if needed. 

  • Change in Cost – Change in cost is a very useful field within Projects. When it is time to final bill a project against advance billings the invoice net total needs to be zero (if you do not advance bill then your invoice net will be the amount of the invoice due to the customer). You may run into situations where you are a couple dollars off. On large projects spending hours trying to find $2.25 is not always cost effective. You can place that discrepancy in the change in cost field to zero out your invoice net billing amount. The amount placed there will post to the revenue account that you established in your project type setup.

  • Subtotal - The subtotal of Net Amount, Freight, Install, and Change in Cost fields.

  • Tax amount – The dollar amount of tax due on the invoice. This takes into account what has been declared as taxable and the tax rate defined by the taxing authority.

  • Tax Paid Prior – If the tax paid prior button is checked TRX will look to see if sales tax was declared on any advanced billings. If so it will populate the amount collected to the "Advance Bill Tax" as a negative. Only check this box if you collect sales tax on advance billings.

  • Grand Total – Subtotal and tax amount total.

  • Advance billings – The amount of advance billings created against the project. Shows as a credit.

  • Advance bill Tax – The amount of tax that was collected on the advance bill(s), also shows as a credit.

  • Invoice Net – The total amount of the invoice.

The Select/Deselect button brings you to a new view where you can choose to include/exclude shipments from the invoice. Any billable expenses will be shown here as well. Unchecking the "Invoice" checkbox will remove the selected item from the invoice. Press the "Return" button to go back to the main invoicing view.
Note: We allow invoicing of non-stock project materials that are not on a purchase order. They will be selected by default when creating the project invoice. You can remove them if you do not wish to invoice (or you intend on placing on a purchase order later) by clicking the 'Select/Deselect' button. 
When you are finished, press the lightning bolt button on the toolbar to create the invoice. TRX will print the invoice after it is created.


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