Prebilling Report
The Pre-billing report is rarely used by most dealers but can give you a list of materials and billable expenses that are ready to be invoiced.
Start Project – Enter the first project number you wish to evaluate for billing. You can press F9 for a list of active projects. Leaving this blank will include all project numbers.
End Project – Enter the last project number you wish to evaluate for billing. You can press F9 for a list of active projects.
Start Client – Enter the first customer you wish to include in the report or press F9 for a list. Leaving this blank will include all customers.
End Client – Enter the last customer you wish to include in the report or press F9 for a list.
Start/End Date – Only materials issued within the Start and End date selected will be included in the report.
Project Type – You can choose a specific project type to show in the report by selecting a type in the drop down list.
Sort Labor Entries – If using the timesheet module you can select how you wish to sort your labor entries.
Include Unposted Timesheets – Relates to the timesheet module, you can choose whether or not to include unposted timesheets.
Print Billable Projects Only – If checked we will only include projects marked as billable in the report.