Reverse Invoices

Reverse Invoices


The Reverse Invoice screen allows you to reverse a normal project invoice. This will not work against Advance or AIA bills. If you need to reverse an Advance Bill you should create a credit memo applied to the project and specify it as a "Project Advanced Billing Credit" (checkbox in the Misc tab of the Debit/Credit Memo Entry screen.) If you need to reverse an AIA you can do so in the P/A > Advanced Billing > Delete AIA App. menu item. 

Enter the project invoice number you wish to reverse or press F9 for a list. TRX will populate the rest of the information in the screen. If you need to change the date of the reversal you can do so by changing the "Trans Date." Press the lightning bolt to complete the reversal. TRX will automatically create a credit memo against the invoice and the items invoiced will be eligible to be invoiced again. 

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