Release Hold Orders
When a Customer has a credit limit in AR customer setup, they may go on hold for exceeding that limit. The Release/ Hold Orders screen is used to release orders that have been placed on credit hold because the customer's order total exceeds their credit limit. The order can be processed directly from this screen and shipped to the customer. This works on credit holds (over credit limit) and AR holds (having an overdue invoice).
TRX will let the salesperson complete the order without interruption, save it, and then call a manager who will be able to release the order from their location once the limit issue has been resolved.
Refresh - This button will refresh the screen with the latest status of the orders.
Display – The display pull-down will cull your selection in three ways: All, AR Holds, and Credit Holds.
Find Order - This field is used to lookup a specific Order to release.
Find Customer - This field will allow you to narrow down your results to just one specific Customer.
Customer - This field displays the Customer number - Company name. If you double click this field, you will be taken to Customer Account Inquiry screen to review the Customer's aging information.
Terms - This shows the Terms on the Order.
AR Limit - This shows the days overdue an invoice is allowed to be before the Customer's orders would go on Credit Hold.
Credit Limit - This is the dollar value the Customer can have on all open Orders and Invoices before their Order(s) would go on hold.
Hold Status - Here you can see which type of hold the Order is on: AR, Credit, or Both
Order # - This is the Order # the order will have if it is processed. You can double click this field to open the unprocessed order in the New Order Entry screen.
Order Total - The total dollar value on the unprocessed Order.
CR Hold Amt - This is the amount over the credit limit that caused this Order to go on hold. It will be blank for Orders that are only on AR hold.
Order Date - This is the date on the unprocessed Order.
Release - This Check box will bring up a box for Order comments as to why it was released and any of the following buttons:
Release AR - This button will be available if the Order being released has an AR Credit hold and/or Both. Click it to Release from AR hold.
Release Credit - This button will be available if the Order being released is over the Credit Limit or Both. Click it to Release from Credit hold.
Release Both - This button will be available if the Order is both on AR and Credit hold. Click it to Release the Order from AR and Credit hold.
Cancel - This will back out from the screen, allowing you to select another order.
Customers Over Credit Limit - This is the number of Customers over their Credit Limit.
Customers Over Aging Limit - This is the number of Customer over their Aging Limit (AR Hold).
Customers Over Credit and Aging Limit - This is the number of Customers over Both hold limits.