Super Categories

Super Categories


The Super Category Maintenance screen is used to define the valid values for the super category field that is declared in Inventory setup. The menu option and the name of the screen will change based on what was entered on the Inventory Setup Super Category Name field. In the following picture, Buying Groups is used as the Super Category Name. If Super Categories are used, valid values need to be created for the Super Category field before inventory items are entered. It is possible to leave the super category field blank on inventory items, but invalid values will not be allowed.

  • "Buying Groups" – this header will be what you have entered in the INV > Special Functions > inventory setup field called "super categories" In this example we have used Buying Groups. The information under the header is the viable options that you can choose to label individual items. This information is stored at the item level on the general tab of Item entry and query screens.

  • Description – description of the variable code

INV>Special Functions>Super Category Maintenance