Query G/L Transactions
Table of Contents
The Query G/L Transactions screen provides the ability to look up previously entered journal entries and postings by providing extensive search criteria to provide quick and easy look-ups.
Use any of the fields in the top portion of the screen to perform a query to narrow down the amount of displayed options. Below is a list of the search criteria that may be utilized.
Date – date or date range of transactions.
Amount – amount or amount range of a posting, this is the posting transaction amount not the amount of an individual transactions
JE # - Any Journal entry will have a number assigned to it, if you know that number you can search by it.
Department, account, sub-account - You can search by individual or range of accounts or sub account if any have been set up.
G/L Batch – All G/L postings are assigned a Batch number if you know that number you can search just the transactions with in the batch.
Enter criteria and press the "Find" button. Use "Sort By" to select a sorting preference. The individual journal entries will display with two tabs of information. The Description tab contains the JE number, the G/L batch it originated in, a description and Reference. The Account numbers tab displays the Account number and Sub-Account.
Highlight a line item and the associated detail will display in the transaction detail box at the bottom of the screen. The detail box contains five tabs that correspond to one of the five posting modules. (AP/AR/INV/PJA/BNK) Each transaction will be in one of the category tabs and will automatically open upon highlighting. The AP and AR tabs will allow the capability to drill down into the originating document for additional transaction information. Several of the tabs have find boxes to that will allow you to type in info to drill down to the specific transaction that you are looking for.