AP Setup

AP Setup

Table of Contents


Every module has a control screen that allows you to choose how TRX Enterprise™ will function for your company. It is these screens that will mold TRX to suit your operating style and niche markets. I will give a brief over view of each option you have so that you may be able to make an informed decision as possible for company setup. Some setups are more involved than others but all are important and require some fore thought before jumping into TRX. Most decisions can be changed upon, during and after training period as needed. 


  • Voucher Number – This represents the next voucher number that will be used

  • Next Batch Number -This is the AP to GL Batch posting number: Each of the five posting modules will have an individual sequential posting number that tracks each posting.

  • "Take Discounts When Possible" check box - This works off of payment terms you can elect to have TRX evaluate a vendor's terms and automatically apply any possible discounts to vouchers.

  • Default AP Account # - This will be your Default Accounts Payable GL Account?

  • Default Discounts Account # - this is a dedicated expense account to COGS.

  • Default PO Variance Account #- dedicated PO Variance expense GL account to cost of goods sold.

  • Default Bank Account – A TRX defined bank that you want to use as your default Accounts Payable bank? The bank you choose will need to be defined in banking

  • Default Prepaid PO GL account – This is the account to post to when creating a Prepaid PO voucher.

Note: The Prepaid Account is generally considered an asset until the PO is received.

  • "Enforce Variance Thresholds" - when receiving a PO into inventory you can allow your receivers to "over" receive PO's. The limit that you allow is defined in this setup function. You can define your variance threshold limit by amount and percent.

  • Variance Threshold Amount – If you allow an over shipping amount this would be the numeric threshold amount, threshold is defined by a numeric value or percentage value.

  • Variance Threshold percent - If you allow an over shipping amount this would be the Percentage threshold amount, threshold is defined by a numeric value or percentage value.

  • Default Use Tax -This is where you will define the default use tax to use in AP. The default use taxes must be defined in TRX.

  • Void Check Vendor - This will be the vendor that is used on checks that are voided during check runs.

  • Buying Group Vendor: - When you create a Buying Group check this will be the Vendor that the check is written to.

  • Buying Group Vendor Type - Vendor type is an AP setup function that you can use to separate your vendors for reporting reasons. You will need to create one vendor type in vendor type setup that you can apply to all your buying group vendors. Here you will declare what that buying group vendor type is. Our buying group check screen will use this to pull all open vouchers for these vendors into a buying group check. Basically this is how you will define your buying group vendors.

  • "S/O freight will create debit memos" - You will be able to create voucher line items called sales order freight that will write freight charges back to the applicable invoice.

  • "Show Bank Balances" - Would you like the bank balance from TRX to show on your create check Screens?

  • "Update Sales Orders with Actual AP cost" - When creating drop ship orders that are tied to PO's you may not have the exact costs at hand. You have the option of having TRX write the correct cost from a vendors invoice (amount applied to vouchers that are tied to PO's) back to the order. This will affect profit analysis and commission reporting that is based off of gross margins.

Notes: In order to allow you to print checks out of TRX we will have to create a report that is your check printout. For setup you will need to send us a voided copy of your current check. We will use this to generate your check report and set up your check printing options.

AP > AP Special Functions > AP Setup

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