Release Work Order Components

Release Work Order Components


Releasing Work Order Components 
Releasing work order components is the third step in the work order process. This is done when the work order is ready to begin production and the components are released from inventory. 


PRD > Work Order Fabrication > Release Work Order Components

General ledger entries are made to the Inventory module as the components are issued. The individual components Inventory account is credited and the work order's WIP account is created as the assets have moved from Inventory to Work in Process. 
There are two screens that can be used to release components. You may choose to release components individually by work order or as batch process for all work orders scheduled for a particular assembly line on a given date. 
Both processes produce the same results, they both reduce inventory by the amount of each component required by the work order. 
Releasing work order components de-allocates them from inventory if they were previously allocated. 

Releasing Components by Work Order

To release work order components individually by work order 

  1. Choose Release Work Order Components from the Fabrication submenu of the PRD menu. This will open the Release Work Order Components screen.

  2. Enter the date the components are released from inventory. This date will be the actual transactions date of the issue of components and subsequent posting to the General Ledger.

  3. Enter the work order. This is the number of the work order the components items are to be issued to. If you do not know the work order, you can press F9 for a list of work orders. Work orders that have been completed or cancelled cannot be released.

  4. Enter the quantity of the work order to be produced. This will default to the quantity specified by the work order.

  5. If you wish to release components for a quantity other than what the work order specifies, change the Quantity to start field to that quantity. This will calculate the quantity of each component required. In the sample below, 3 DRS are to be started, so the quantity of each component is multiplied by 3.

The Release Work Order Components screen, 2.4.7 

     6. You may change the quantity of individual components as well, by changing the Quantity to Release for that component. This is sometimes done if extra quantities of a component are required to due damaged components on the shop floor.

     7. Click on the Process icon on the Toolbar. The Release Work Order Components Processing report is printed. This report details the work order and all of the components that are being released. Quantities and costs for each component and a total is displayed. You should verify the data on this report is correct before releasing the work order.

     8. After the report is printed, you are asked if you are sure you want to release the work order. Click on yes to release the components from inventory. Click no if you wish to make further changes to the released components or not release the work order at all. If you decided to not release the work order after answering No to the Release, simply exit the Release Work Order Components screen.


     9. If you are releasing components for a work order that has already been released, a blue warning messages is displayed near the top of the Release Work Order Components screen. The Previously Started field indicates the quantity of the work order that was previously released. You can release components in small increments to help stabilize inventory levels of components for large work orders. You might also consider generating work orders for smaller quantities.


Releasing Components by Assembly Line and Date

In addition to using the Release Work Order Components screen to release individually by work order, you may use the Release by Date screen. This screen releases all work orders that are scheduled to start on a specific date for a specific assembly line. 

This helps streamline the release of work order components. If you have multiple work orders scheduled to start on the same day for a particular assembly line you need only make one entry which will release all of the components for all of the work orders. The Release Components Processing report is printed with each of the work orders beginning on a separate page. 
It is also possible to omit one or two work orders from the release and reschedule them to a different start date. 
A corresponding Close by Date Scheduled screen is also available to close multiple work orders that were finished on the same date for a particular assembly line. 

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