Ship To Addresses

Ship To Addresses


This screen is used to enter the names, addresses and other information needed regarding the person(s) who will be receiving the purchased items. This code is entered in the Purchase Order Entry screen and will be printed on the Purchase Order to identify to the vendor the shipping address for the goods ordered. Most often used for warehouse locations, Fabricators, Bonded Warehouses or even installers.  This is the only way to be able to change a ship to on a PO that is not a Drop Ship.

When creating a new Ship to address you can type the information directly into screen or use one of the two icons to auto fill information for you.

  • Use Vendor Contact – Pressing this icon will bring up the vendor find screen so you can search for a vendor's contact information. Once you find a vendor that you would like to use as your shipping contact double click on it and TRX will use the contact info to create a new ship to contact.

  • Use Company Info – This icon will replace the contact address with the address information of your company.

PUR > Purchasing Special Functions > Ship to address entry/query