Project Aging
The project aging report is meant to give you a report on open balances of projects.
Starting/Ending Project – Sets the range of Project numbers on the report. You can use F9 to find it, manually enter, or leave blank to select all
Starting/Ending Customer – Sets the range of Customers on the report. You can use F9 to find it, manually enter, or leave blank to select all
Starting/Ending Salesperson - Sets the range of Customers on the report. You can use F9 to find it, manually enter, or leave blank to select all. The List button will allow you to create a custom group
Aging Date – This is the as of date that the report should be based off of.
Aging Report Format - These radio buttons change how the report prints
Aging Summary - Prints report totaled by customer, without Invoice detail
Aging Detail - Prints report with all the Invoice, Credit, and Debit detail
Base Aging On - These radio buttons change how the report is calculated
Invoice Date - Aging will be based on the date of the invoice
Due Date - Aging will be based on Invoice Date plus terms to determine the due date
e.g. Net 30 would be due 30 days after the invoice
Salesperson - These radio buttons change how the selected Salesperson fields work
Customer Salesperson - Salesperson will be pulled based on the Customer Salesperson setup
Invoice Salesperson - Salesperson will be pulled based on the Invoice Salesperson
Include invoices after aging date - This checkbox will include Invoices after the aging date
Print Document Notes – checking this box will permit your documents notes that were created under the projects note tab to be printed on the report.
Include terms – this will include the terms of the customer to be printed on the project
Include Phone – checking this includes the customer contacts phone numbers on the report
Sort by Total – this option will only appear if you choose the Aging summary version, if does not appear if you use the detail version.