Reverse Prior Period Entries
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At the beginning of the next period, reverse any of the prior period reversing entries.
Start/End – these dates will default to the current period and you cannot change this..
Posting Date – Date the reversing entries will post, the system will default to the ending date of the current period but it can be changed.
Press the Reverse Entries button the GL Reversing Prior Period Entries Report will appear on screen. Press the print button to obtain a hard copy of the report. The "Ok to reverse entries?" prompt will appear press "Yes" if you want to process. If you press No, none of the Entries will reverse.
If you try to close a period without processing the reversing part of an entry entered, a message will appear on the Sub-Ledgers Status screen stating there are reversing entries for the current period that need to be processed. If you do not reverse entries, and you try to run this same option in the following period, it will not allow you to run the reversal. A message will appear stating "There are un-reversed entries from the prior period. Please change to the previous period and reverse those entries."