PRD Setup

PRD Setup


The Production module has several setup options that control the behavior of the Production module. To change the PRD Setup simply chooses PRD Setup from the Special Functions menu of the PRD menu. The PRD Setup screen will open and display the current settings.


PRD > Special Functions > Setup
  • Work Unit Label - This is used to define the work units for assembly lines and work orders. It is merely a label used on other screens and does not affect any data on work orders or assembly lines. You may change this at any time

  • Default WIP G/L Account - This is the Easy Entry Code (See G/L module) of the WIP account. When components are released from raw materials inventory, this is the account the received the debit. It is normally and asset account and should not be the same WIP account that the projects module is using.

  • Automatically Number Work Orders - It is recommended that you allow TRX Enterprise to automatically number work orders. To do so, check this box. Otherwise enter the starting or next work order number to use.

  • Next Work Order – when the auto number feature is turned on this will be the next number used.

  • Allow Users to Change Schedule Date - When entering work orders, the scheduled start date of the work order on the assembly line is automatically calculated based on work units for the work order and capacity of the assembly line. Checking this box allows the user to override the calculated start date of work orders.

  • Schedule Date Password – place to set the password that will allow the schedule date to be changed when the above box is checked

  • Work Orders are "On Order" when - This fields controls when to consider the finished goods on order

  • When the raw materials are allocated,

  • When the raw materials are released to the shop floor

  • Auto Allocate Customer Work Orders - Check this to box to automatically allocate work order components when work orders are entered.Checkbox

  • BOM Component Level for Work Orders - Since a bill of material for an item can be quite detailed, not all components of the bill are necessarily released to the shop floor when a work order is released. This is due to having sub-assemblies pre-manufactured.This number controls the level of the bill of material for components on a work order. Use 999 to indicate all levels of a bill of material Value in this box needs to be a number from 1 to 999

  • Creating a shipping Record when closing work orders – Checking this check box will create a shipping record on the item transaction tab when the item is completed.

  • Update sales order cost when closing the work order. – checking this box will update the sales order with the current calculated costs for the item when the work order is closed and completed.

  • Sort Components on the release screen by – Chose if the items will sorted by item or BOM category.

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