Assembly Lines

Assembly Lines


The PRD module requires that at least one assembly line be created before work orders can be entered. All work orders are schedule to and release to an assembly line. If you choose not to use assembly lines, you still need to set up one assembly line. Each assembly line has a certain daily unit of work capacity. This work unit has a label defined in the Production Setup screen. In addition, you may specify the days of the week an assembly line is scheduled to work. Holidays are entered separately for each assembly line as different lines may be located in different locales and may have different holidays observed. An unlimited number of holidays can be entered for each assembly line 

PRD > Special Functions > Assembly Lines

Setting up an Assembly Line

  1. Choose Assembly Lines from the Special Functions submenu of the PRD menu.

  2. Click on a blank line or click on the Create Record button in the toolbar.

  3. Enter a short code to identify the assembly line

  4. Enter a short description of the assembly line

  5. Enter the daily capacity of the line. This will control how work orders are scheduled based on the number of units required for each work order vs. the capacity of the assembly line.

  6. Check the days of the week the line is scheduled to work. Monday through Friday will be automatically checked.

  7. If there are holidays to be observed on which you do not want any work orders to be scheduled, enter them on the Holidays block.

  8. Click on the Save icon in the toolbar.

To See Holidays for Other Assembly Lines, simply click on the Code of the line. The holiday's section will change to reflect that assembly line. 

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