First Time Login Setup

See if you haven’t setup the machine to use TRX yet.

Table of Contents

Connecting to Site for first time - Pop-ups

User your TRX link to connect. It will look something like this:

There are pop-ups that come up when you first connect. If you get these, answer them based on these screenshots:

First Login - Database required

When you sign in, you use your UserID and Password, but you must enter ‘trx’ in the Database field. If you forget, you will need to refresh the browser before trying again.

Printing First Report - Pop-up Blocker

When you first print a report in the new system, the report will be blocked by your pop-up blocker. You will see it in the upper right-hand corner. Click on the message, and select to always allow. From there, it should print without issue.

Microsoft Edge Pop-up Message

Basilisk Popup Message