Upload Product Images

Upload Product Images

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The Upload Product Images screen under INV>INV Advanced Features>Upload Product Images screen allows you to upload product images into TRX. You can do them individually per item, or you can upload all jpeg files in a particular folder.

Doing them in a batch is faster, but individually gives you more control.


Uploading Images - Individually

When you first open the screen, it defaults to the individual upload. This will allow you to import the image into TRX, set to the item, and update the website all in one screen.

Set your item, upload the file, submit, then Upload to the S3 bucket. You could also set the file to be uploaded to the S3 bucket (website) as you upload the image.


  1. Open the Upload Product Images screen

    1. INV>INV Advanced Features>Upload Product Images

  2. Select your item

    1. Type or use F9 to find it

  3. Select your image file

    1. Hit “Browse” button on the right.

  4. Upload the file into TRX

    1. Without uploading to the Website (for review)

      1. Hit Submit

    2. While uploading to the website

      1. Check “Upload to S3 Bucket

      2. Hit “Submit” button

  5. Upload to the Website

    1. Hit “Upload” button

    2. Skip if you did 4b

Upload Images - Batch

By default, the screen opens to the Individual upload option. To get into Batch, click on the “click here” button on the bottom of the screen next to the text “For a batch upload of images that do not auto-assign to items.”

To upload the images, simply select your folder and hit the Upload Images button. Unlike the individual upload, you will need to add the picture name on the item record separately, either per record or using the Export Data screen.


  1. Open Upload Product Images screen

    1. INV>INV Advanced Features>Upload Product Images

  2. Open the batch screen

    1. Click on the “click here” button

  3. Select Product Images folder

    1. Hit Browse button

    2. Select Folder with the images

  4. Upload the Images

    1. Hit the “Upload Images” button

  5. Confirm/Add Picture Name to Item Record

    1. Confirm

      1. Open item under INV>Enter/Change Items

      2. Check the Picture name on the bottom right

    2. Add

      1. Individually

        1. Open item under INV>Enter/Change Items

        2. Add the Picture name on the bottom right

      2. Batch

        1. Export and Update items

          1. Guide: Export Data
