Orders By Day

Orders By Day


The open orders by day report has been changed to be more of an "order origination report" it will list out all the orders that were created within a time frame and the status of that order. The purpose of that report is to give an at a glance view of the activity of salespeople during a time frame of your choosing. This report can also be used to aide in the creation and double-checking of commission reports or as sales meeting material. 

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Starting and ending salesperson – This report can be printed by salesperson or range of salespeople, you can create a custom list of salespeople that you can save using the list function or you can leave blank for all salespeople

  • Sort By – This report can be sorted by Order number, Order status or Salesperson

  • Show Detail –Checking this box will give you the detail of the transactions

Report contains the order number and date of the order creation. Order status cost and margin will also display and you also get a daily breakdown. This is meant to be a snap shot of sales in a time frame.