Shipping Detail

Shipping Detail


The Shipping Detail Report lists the details of what was shipped for a specific period and/or warehouse. The report includes the date, order number, customer number, item description, quantity shipped, selling price and extended selling price. 

ORD>Reports>Shipping Detail
  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Starting and Ending Category– This report can be pulled by an item's category or a range of categories, leaving these fields blank will pull from all item categories

  • Starting and Ending Warehouse– This report can be pulled by an item's warehouse or a range of warehouses, leaving these fields blank will pull from all warehouses defined in TRX

  • Starting and Ending Salesperson - This report can be pulled by an item's salesperson or a range of salespeople, leaving these fields blank will pull from all salespeople defined in TRX

  • Subtotal by- This report can be subtotaled by ware house, shipment type or you can choose not to subtotal it.