Print An Order


The Print an Order Report will print a report listing all orders processed or just the order numbers you have entered.

ORD>Reports>Print an Order 
  • Starting and Ending Order – This report can be pulled by an order or a range of orders. Leaving these fields blank will make all orders eligible.

  • Starting and Ending Date – you can choose a beginning or ending date to print this report by, or choose a quick date from the pull down menu to populate a set date in. Leaving these fields blank will print all dates.

  • Show Item Costs on report – Checking this box will include the costs on the order printout

  • Show Commissions On Report – checking this box will list out a salespersons commissions per item

  • Include POS orders – Some may want POS orders on sheets others may not.

Note: To print the Company name on the order you must check the box "Company on Address" on the Customer Entry/Query screen, contact section.