Customer Balances

Customer Balances

Table of Contents


The Customer Balances report lists the balance due on a customer’s account as of a given date. 


AR>Customer Reports>Customer Balances
  • Starting/Ending Customers - Choose a range of customers to be included in this report.  This parameter has a list function that will allow you to create a custom list and save it.

Note: the custom list function is good for stratifying your customers into groups to manage them separately,  this will allow you to pull out problem customers and group them together in a report to “keep an eye” on them.  This falls under our management by exception philosophy. 

  • Starting/Ending balance – You can apply a starting and ending balance to cull the report down.  You may not be worried about customers who owe you one hundred dollars or less and really do not need them clouding up the report.

  • Exclude customers with a zero balance -There is a checkbox to exclude customers with a zero balance, to further eliminate clutter.

  • Only customers over credit limit – this will give a report that only lists those customers that are currently over their credit limit.

  • Sort by – this report can be sorted by customers, name, or balance due.