Email Templates

Email Templates


Email Templates allow you to format the emails that will be sent through TRX’s emailing functions. These are required for the email functions to work.

SYS>Email Control>Email Templates
  • Template Name - The name of the template

  • Reply Address - The address the email will be sent from

  • BCC Sender - Select to also email the sender a BCC

  • Report Template - This radio button allows the template to be used when printing reports

  • Automated Template - This Radio Button will allow you to use the template for automated emailing, such as Emailing Buyer on Receipt under Purchasing

  • Template Type - This dropdown will be based on the Report/Automated selection above

    • Report Types - Select to be available when printing Customer Invoices, Customer Statements, Purchase Orders, or when Processing ACH Payments (Setup required).

    • Automated Types - Select to run when Sales Order has Shipped or the PO was Received

  • Attachment Name - The name of the attached Invoice, Statement, or Purchase Order

  • Subject - The Subject line on the email

  • Body - The text of the email. Use << >> around field names to have the system pull from TRX. The available list of fields is on the right

  • Merge Data/Data Will Be Copied Into - This column provides a list of fields you can reference in the Attachment name, subject, and body of the email. Use << >> to call them.