Receive Items

Receive Items


When Purchase orders are created and sent out to the vendor the vendor will send you what you ordered in a shipment. In TRX we tie all of our information together so we require you to receive based on the individual Purchase orders that went out. This eliminates mistakes of rekeying information. You receive purchase orders in the Receive Items screen.


  • Purchase Order - Type in the Purchase order that you would like to receive, F9 will bring up a list of purchase orders to choose from and F8 will bring the last one that was in the screen and not cleared. The vendor and PO date associated with that PO will default in.

  • Waybill – The waybill is important for the AP department, everything ties together in TRX, so when AP is vouchering the vendors invoice they will enter they waybill number that is in this box and get the exact information for the items that were received. Tabbing through this box will TRX will default a number in for you.

  • Date received – You can enter a date that these items are to be received, or tab through to except the current date.

  • Receive all – pressing this icon will receive all items in entirety, it will sometime be easier to receive all and make one change then it will be to type all the received amounts in.

Note: It is important to train your employees not to receive all blindly as the process to un-receive is in some cases tedious and long. Some have opted to turn this icon off in PO setup because of this error.

  • Clear – The clear button will remove a purchase order from the receive items screen.

Remove vs. closing screen

There is an important distinction to be made between using the clear button and just closing the screen. It is best to think of this screen as a holding tank for un-received purchase orders. Once you enter a PO number in this screen it is in this tank until it is completely received or "cleared" out by the clear icon. When a PO is in this screen you will not be able to make any changes to it even if it is still open. The change Purchase order screen will have a yellow note that will remove the PO from this screen but it is better to be in the practice of pressing the clear button before leaving this screen. 
Test example: enter a PO into this screen and then red door out, query this purchase order in open PO query and try to make a change to an item, it will be locked against changes. Now go back to receive items and press F8 and the last PO will pop up it will be the one you first entered (if not use your key board up or down arrow to scroll to it). Now press the clear icon and red door out and try to make a change you will be able to. When you come back to receive items you will not be able to pull the purchase order up with F8.
This remove vs. closing confusion is the reason for a lot of issues for new users so it is important to understand.

The line item detail of the purchase order will have defaulted into this screen when the PO number was entered. For each line item you can add the following information:

  • Quantity received – how many items you will be receiving, you do not have to receive them all, but if any are not received the purchase order will not be closed without further intervention.

  • Quantity Rejected – If there are some item that you want to refuse enter them in this box. This will deduct the amount from the quantity ordered on both the PO and the AP Waybill.

  • Reject Reason – If an item is rejected it must have one of the pre-defined reasons as to why it was rejected. (reasons are set in PUR > Special Functions > Reject Reasons)

  • Labels – Check this box if you would like to print item labels for the inventory that was received.

  • Comp (Complete) – The amount received plus the amount rejected must equal the amount ordered to complete the line item on the PO. There are cases when that will not happen, in those cases you will need to check the "Comp" icon to let TRX know to complete the line so the Purchase order can close.

  • Serial On – Pressing this icon will set the item attribute "serialized" and require a serial number for this item to be received. This is a very dangerous icon and it can be turned off if you like in PUR > Special Functions > Setup. You will understand just how dangerous this can be when someone serializes ten cases of spoons, so be careful who you give this option to.

  • Boxes – This is part of the box-tracking feature that can be turned on in purchasing setup up. There is more about this in Box-Tracking.

Once you have entered all the information you need for all the items on the purchase order you should press the lightning bolt to process. (Unless batch processing is turned on) Yu will get the following pop-up:

  • Cancel – Cancel the receiving process

  • Print Report – Just print a receiving report to be reviewed, this will not receive the items

  • Process Receipt – this will commit the receipt to inventory make the accounting transactions and close the purchase order if all have been received.

  • Print/Process Receipt – will print a report for viewing before processing the receipt giving you the option to not process in the interim

  • Print location report – after completing the process checking this box will print a report that will tell your stockers where to put the items (assuming you have warehouse location setup on your items

Receipt Report

Location Report

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