Reverse Deposits

Reverse Deposits


Deposits entered incorrectly may need to be removed from the account. There isn’t a reversal screen, but there are two ways you can accomplish this.

Fix 1 - Refund the Deposit

The fastest way to reverse the deposit is to run it through a Refund.

  1. Go to the Refund screen

    1. A/R>Refunds

  2. Fill Out Header

    1. Select Branch

    2. Enter your Customer Number

    3. Enter Date

    4. Enter Reference

  3. Enter Refund Amount next to Deposit to reverse

  4. Hit the Lightning Bolt to process

The Deposit should now be off the account

Fix 2 - Move Deposit to Open CRM/Use Debit to Zero Out

This way requires more steps, but may be necessary to not remove the Cash from your bank account’s Cash On Hand (if it was Cash terms).

  1. Transfer Deposit “To Credit”

    1. A/R>Deposits | Transfer Deposits tab

  2. Create a Debit for the amount of the Credit

    1. A/R>A/R Transaction Processing>DBM/CRM Entry

  3. Apply them together with a Zero Dollar Cash Receipt *

    1. A/R>Cash Receipts>Enter Cash Receipts

*You can technically use an Adjustment, but they can’t be reversed. Zero Dollar Cash Receipts provide the most flexibility.


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