


Your active warehouses and their addresses need to be defined in TRX. Each warehouse will have a warehouse code and description as well as shipping and a mailing address's. Contact information is optional. This information will be found and can be edited in the inventory special functions menu under warehouse.

The information on this screen is used in the inventory, order entry, purchasing and projects module. TRX enterprise™ keeps an item history that is specific to each warehouse. At any time for a given item you can see how many of an item is on hand, on order, or allocated for each warehouse. All this leads to a perpetual inventory that is segregated by warehouses that you set up and define here.


     You will be unable to delete a warehouse one there is a transaction applied to as TRX keeps historical data but you can make a warehouse inactive so that is no longer an option to receive or transfer items into. Also under the contact information you can assign a warehouse printer for picking tickets. This way operations or salespeople can create pick tickets and this will override their default printer and print directly to the warehouse, saving someone having to manually deliver them.

INV>Special Functions>Warehouses
  • Active – by unchecking this box you are telling TRX that warehouse is no longer active and should not show up any F9 lookup screens are be able to be used as an option for deliveries.

  • Warehouse – this is the easy entry code that will be associated with this warehouse thorough out TRX. We recommend keeping this 1-3 characters as your users will have to enter this into every screen the warehouse needs to be referenced. So instead of having your salespeople type Little Rock every order make the code 1 or LR.

  • Description – This is the actual name that will appear on reports that print out, so this is where you would define the warehouse a "main" or Little Rock "warehouse.

  • Contact information – here you will add the basic contact information for the warehouse manager this is optional but will make the Purchase orders and order shipping information look complete, most will use "Warehouse Manager" instead of an actual name.

  • Mailing Address – The mailing address is where any post mail would be delivered, a lot of time this will be the main office for the company or the a PO Box.

  • Shipping Address – This is usually the physical address and is used for deliveries' via truck to be received.

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