Cycle Count Codes

Cycle Count Codes


Cycle Count Codes are used to group inventory items for physical counts. Physical counts can be done based on an items warehouse, category, class, cycle count code and/or location within a warehouse (building, room, row, shelf, and bin). Utilizing Count Codes affords the option of performing a physical count on a small portion of the inventory rather than counting the whole inventory at one time. After the codes are setup, the count code is entered on the Warehouse tab of inventory items in the box in the lower left hand corner. It is not necessary to define any cycle count codes 

At the beginning of the workday it is not unusual to have floor personnel easing into their day by milling around with coffee or casually chatting while they wait for their assignments to be handed to them. It is these ten to twenty minutes a day that can be used to complete cycle counts. By creating codes for blocks of 5 – 10 items you can do a quick freeze and print of physical count sheets and set the idle time to work. Routinely verifying and adjusting the most frequently turned items will keep your inventory in turn and avoid large adjustments at year-end.

  • Count Code – A short code used to represent a small subset of items

  • Count Code Description – the longer description of the code

Count codes are attached to items via the warehouse tab of the item enter/edit screen 

INV>Special Functions>Cycle Count Codes Entry/Query