Release By Date Scheduled
To Release By Date and Assembly line.
Choose Release by Date Scheduled from the Fabrication submenu of the PRD menu.
Enter the Assembly line the work orders are schedule to be produced on.
Enter the scheduled start date of the work orders. A default of the next day on which work orders are scheduled is automatically entered.
Press the Enter key to display all of the work orders scheduled. For each work order the work order number, schedule date, due date, customer order and item to be produced is displayed.
You may choose to omit specific work orders by unchecking the Release check box for that work order. The Move to date is automatically filled in with the next day on which the assembly line has capacity to build the work order. You may also choose a date manually by simply entering the date in the Move to field for the work order. You can view the capacity and schedule of the assembly line by clicking on the View Capacity button. This will open and display the Assembly Line Inquiry screen and display the schedule for this assembly line for the current month.
All work orders that have a Move to date filled in will not be released and instead rescheduled on that date as part of the processing when the order work orders are released.
Click on the Process icon on the Toolbar. The Release Work Order Components Processing report is printed. This report details all of the work orders and all of the components that are being released. Each work order appears on a separate page. Quantities and costs for each component and a total is displayed. You should verify the data on this report is correct before releasing the work orders.
After the report is printed, you are asked if you are sure you want to release the selected work orders to production. You can choose to have the picking tickets automatically printed for the work orders that are released by clicking on the Yes, with pick tickets button. If you do not want picking tickets, click on Yes, W/O pick tickets. Click No to cancel the release of the work orders.