Close Work Order

Close Work Order


Closing or completing work orders is the final step in the work order process.

When production on work orders has been completed and the finished good items are ready to be placed into inventory, the work order must be closed. The close process receives the finished good item into inventory and optionally issues out any extra components that may have been used in the manufacturing process. 

Work orders can be closed in their entirety or as quantities of the finished good items are completed. The work order will remain in production until all of the quantities of the finished good items have been received or the work order is cancelled. 

To Close a Work Order

  1. Choose Close Work Order from the Fabrication submenu of the PRD menu.

  2. Enter the date of the close. This is the date all inventory transactions will use as a result of closing the work order. Accordingly, any General Ledger entries will also have this date. The current date will be used if the date is left blank.

  3. Enter the number of the work order to be closed. You may press F9 to get a list of open work orders. Only work orders that have been released to production can be closed.

  4. Enter the quantity of the finished good item that has been completed. If the work order is completed, check the complete checkbox. The Complete checkbox will be automatically checked if the Quantity to Complete plus the Previously Completed quantity equals the production quantity specified by the work order.
    The Complete checkbox is important. If it is checked the work order will be marked completed, and the Close Date will become the finish date of the work order. If you plan to continue with production on this work order, do not check the complete checkbox. 

  5. If necessary, you may adjust the quantity used of components. The Quantity Used quantity shows the quantity of the component that was released to production for the work order. If you used more or less of this quantity and did not release the extra components, you should adjust the Quantity Used to show the actual quantity used in production. Inventory for the component will be adjusted up or down by the difference between the quantity released and the quantity used when the work order close is processed.

  6. Click on the Process button on the toolbar. A report will print showing the components used on the work order and the total cost of the work order.

  7. After the report displays, answer yes when asked if you are sure you want to close the work order. If the report was incorrect, i.e. quantities of the finished good item or components was wrong, click on No.