Close By Date Due
Similar to releasing work orders for a particular assembly line and schedule date, you can close work orders for a particular assembly line based on due date. This allows for a batch close of all work orders due to be completed on the same day for the assembly line. It also assumes that no extra components are needed to be issued from inventory to complete a work order.
This helps streamline the close of work orders. If you have multiple work orders due to be finished on the same day for a particular assembly line you need only make one entry which will close all of the work orders. The Close Work Orders report is printed with each of the work orders beginning on a separate page.
It is also possible to omit one or two work orders from the close and close them at a later date.
To Close By Date and Assembly line.
Choose Close by Date Due from the Fabrication submenu of the PRD menu.
Enter the assembly line the work orders are being produced on. You may press F9 for a list of assembly lines.
Enter the due date. The earliest due date of work orders in production will be used as a default. You may change it to any date. The work orders due to be completed on that date will be displayed.
You may choose to omit specific work orders by unchecking the Close check box for that work order. You can then close that work order individually on the Close Work Order screen or repeat this process at a later time, but still using the same due date as the due date of the work order is not changed.
Click on the Process icon on the Toolbar. The Close Work Order report is printed. This report details all of the work orders and all of the components used in each work order.
After the report is printed, you are asked if you are sure you want to close the selected work orders.