Open PO Query
The open PO Query screen is a Purchase order find screen dedicated to open Purchase orders.
After entering the screen all open purchase order will populate into this screen. They can be sorted by the options in the "Sort by" pull down menu and you can print copies of the PO directly from this screen.
Above many of the columns there are empty white boxes, these are search fields, you can enter information or partial information with % signs and TRX will cull down your sort per your criteria. If you place 1304 in the vendor search box you will get all PO's cut to that vendor. But if you put 13% you will get every vendor that starts with the code 13.
Search Fields
PO # - search field to find Purchase orders by PO number, this field is dark grey so you will be able drill down into this to open it in the PO query screen.
PO Date – dates that PO's were created
Expected Date – non-searchable field that lists when PO's are expected
Vendor – vendor code that represents who the PO's are created for
Vendor Name – description of the code, this is a non-searchable field
Buyer – the buyer on the PO
Project # - If the PO was created for a project the project will show here.
Note: A PO for inventory can have items from multiple projects so we will only show a project number if the purchase order is a drop shipment for that project.
Project Name – A non-searchable field that shows a project name if there is one available.
PO total – List the Total of the Purchase order, this is a searchable field.
Printer Icon – Pressing this icon will print out the Purchase order.