Vendor RMAs

Vendor RMAs

Table of Contents


When items are miss-received or the wrong or broken items are shipped to you from a vendor you will sometimes need to return the items. The return process in TRX is the Vendor RMA, this is where you can select item and create an audit trail for sending them back to the vendor that sent them. 


On the operations level a Vendor RMA will remove items from your inventory account and your physical inventory at processing of the vendor RMA. We remove from inventory so we do not throw your valuation off as these are items that you can no longer sell. 
On the GL side we remove from the inventory GL account and place the value in a Vendor RMA Inventory account. This done as you no longer have possession of the item but the vendor has yet to receive it, to relieve your liability. This account will show on your balance sheet when set up correctly.


Enter VRMA

The New Vendor RMA Entry screen is used to enter all information about items that are being returned to the vendor. You can list as many items as necessary to return to the vendor on the item detail section. 

  • Vendor – enter the vendor number of the vendor that you will be returning the items to.

  • RMA Number – This number is usually assigned by the vendor so you will have to enter the number manually

  • RMA Date – Date the RMA is created if you leave the field blank it will default to the current date

  • Ship to – this information will default automatically from the Vendor information but may be changed if needed, F9 will bring up a list of options

  • Date Expected - automatically defaults to two weeks from the RMA Date – this may be changed if necessary (this is the date you expect to receive replacement items or a credit)

  • Warehouse – The warehouse that these items are being returned from

  • Ship Via - Enter the method of Shipment being used to return the item in the Ship Via field

  • Comments – place where you can enter comments about the item(s) being returned

  • Item - Enter the Item being returned or press F9 for a list of items

  • Original PO - number of the PO that these items were received from, press F9 for a list of purchase orders on which this item has been returned or leave this field blank if you do not have the PO number. The unit cost will be attached to the cost of the PO it was received from.

  • Return Quantity – the amount of the item that you will be returning.

  • Unit – The Unit of Measure that was on the original Purchase order, this can be changed

  • Unit Cost – This will also default in from the original Purchase Order, if you change the unit of measure the cost will change accordingly.

  • Extended Cost – The extended cost will be calculated by TRX

The Inventory G/L, RMA G/L, and Unit Price will default in after entering the Item to be returned

  • RMA Reason - Press F9 for a list of codes, this must be one of the pre-defined reasons from the Purchasing Special Functions menus

The vendor RMA is a batch process entry screen so you will have to press F10 to save the information and then leave the screen to the Process Vendor RMA screen. 

Process VRMA

The Process Vendor RMA's screen processes all RMA is that have been entered into the RMA Entry screen. You can leave all the fields blank on this screen to process all RMA's that have been entered by your User ID or you can enter a specific date range, vendor range or RMA range to be processed. Removing your user ID will process all Vendor RMA's that were created by all users. 
PUR > Vendor RMA > Process VRMA


  • Starting and Ending RMA Date - this is the date entered for the RMA in the RMA entry screen. Leave the date fields blank to process ALL RMA dates

  • Starting and Ending Vendor – Vendor code to process leave blank to process RMA's for all vendors

  • Starting and Ending RMA # - enter an RMA number or a range of numbers, you can also leave blank to process all vendor RMA's

  • User ID – you can process the RMA's for a specific user ID or remove the ID for all vendor RMA's

Once you have entered your information you can press the Process Transactions icon to process the RMA's. A The Purchasing RMA Entry Processing Report will display on the screen Press the Print icon to print a hard copy of the report for review. The system will ask "OK to process purchasing RMA's?" Press "Yes" if you want to process (after processing "the processing completed successfully" message should appear on the screen). If you choose No none of the RMA's will process and you can go back and make any necessary changes. 

Query VRMA

The Vendor RMA Query screen is used to make changes to a RMA's status for those that have been entered and processed. In this screen you can change the RMA Date, Ship To, Date Expected, Date Canceled, Date Received, Warehouse, Ship Via and Comments field. This is the only blue screen in TRX where changes of this magnitude can be made. This is also where you cancel or close Vendor RMA's by applying dates in the date cancelled or date received field.

This is the only blue screen in TRX that you can enter information and have the status of the underlying data change. Upon entering this screen you need to enter a Vendor RMA Number, the F9 function will not work in this screen. Press the tab or Enter key and any info on that VRMA will populate.

  • RMA Date – The Date the VRMA was created, this can be changed in this screen

  • Vendor Number – This is the vendor that the items will be returned to, this information cannot be changed from this screen.

  • Voucher – If there is a voucher associated with this return it will display in this field, you will be able to double click on the voucher number to see it in a voucher query screen.

  • Ship TO – The address this item will be shipped to usually the vendors address but it can be changed.

  • Date Expected – This is the expected date that the items should reach the vendor, this can be edited.

  • Date cancelled – Putting a date in this field will effectively cancel the Vendor RMA.

  • Date Received – Putting a date in this field will close a vendor RMA as completed.

  • Warehouse – This field cannot be changed it is the warehouse that the items are being returned from.

  • Ship Via – How items are being shipped back to the vendor, this can be edited here

  • Waybill – if there is a way bill number it can be added or changed here

  • Comments – Any comments that were made on the vendor return will display in this box and the can be edited.

Note: You do not need to process the order again after making changes. 

Step-by-Step Guides

This section covers how to use the screen.

Cancel/Delete Vendor RMA

For Vendor RMA’s entered but never finished or RMA’s that were cancelled, you will need to either cancel or delete them. Unprocessed RMA’s will be deleted, but processed RMA’s can only be Cancelled. Follow the guide below depending on the state of your RMA.

Cancel/Delete Unprocessed RMA

If the RMA hasn’t been processed yet, we will need to open it in the Entry screen to delete.

  1. Open the Vendor RMA screen

    1. PUR>Vendor RMA

  2. Hit F7 to enter Query Mode

  3. (optional) Enter RMA #

  4. Hit F8 to execute query, pulling up an unprocessed RMA

  5. Use Blue Arrows to Cycle through records (skip if you did step 3)

  6. Hit the Delete button

  7. Hit Yes to the prompt

Cancel Processed Vendor RMA’s

Using this button on the Query RMA tab will return the items on the RMA back into inventory. This will reverse the accounting trail and move inventory from RMA inventory account to the regular Inventory account. 

  1. Open the Vendor RMA screen

    1. PUR>Vendor RMA

  2. Go under the Query VRMA tab on the right

  3. Click the “Cancel/Close RMA” button

  4. Confirm/Enter Date

  5. Hit “Cancel RMA” button

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