Cancel PO


The Cancel Purchase Order screen is used for canceling purchase orders either not received or partially received. From the Purchasing menu select Cancel PO. You will not be able to cancel Purchase orders that are tied to orders via Drop Ship, Gen PO or Auto PO without first breaking the tie to that order. 


PUR > Cancel Purchase >Orders
  •  Project number – You can limit the choices of Purchase order available to you in the F9 search of the next box by choosing a project that the Purchase order is tied to.

  • Purchase order – This is where you enter the purchase order that you are trying to cancel

  • Cancel Date – the date that you want to have as a cancel date on the PO

  • Comments – You can create comments that will print on the cancel PO, most would use this document the reason for cancelling the PO.

Once you have entered the PO that you would like to cancel you need to press the Cancel the PO icon. If the PO can be cancelled you will get a message saying the process has been completed. If the PO is tied to drop ship order, a Gen PO order or auto PO order you will get a message giving you instructions on how to break the tie to the order.