PO Query/Change

PO Query/Change


The PO query change screen can be used to edit purchase orders that have not yet been fully received and are not currently in the receive items screen. Changes will only be able to be made to purchase orders that are still open. (The only exception being doc notes). Also if a PO is tied to one PO or Project you will be able to convert that PO from a regular to a drop ship PO in this screen. 



Note: One issue that is often brought to support is users are unable to edit a purchase order that is still open and they do not know why. Usually this is caused by someone pulling the Purchase order into the receive items screen and just closing the screen without pressing clear. When this happens close the query screen go to Receive Items and press F8 key, use your arrow keys to navigate until you find the PO you are looking for and then press the clear icon on the top right of the screen. You will now be able to edit the PO. 

  • Purchase Order – This is where you would enter the number of the Purchase order that you want to query. Pressing F9 will give you a list of eligible purchase orders to choose from.

  • PO Date - box this will be the date of the purchase order. This date will default to the date that the PO was created, tabbing through will take you to the Promise Date, but this date can be changed if needed.

  • Promise Date - is the date that the vendor has said that the item will arrive. This field can be left blank and will not default to any value.

  • Expected Date - will default to the same date as the promise date but can be changed or left blank.

  • Date Printed – If this Purchase order has already been printed the last printing date will be shown here.

  • Close Date – If the purchase order is closed due to all items being received this will be the date that it was closed.

  • Expiration Date – Purchase orders can have an expiration date. This is essentially the number of days that a purchase order can remain valid. This number of days is defined in the purchase order setup screen and this date will automatically populate based on the predetermined amount of days and the "PO date". If the expiration date is set to 90 days it will trigger this PO will expire 90 days from its creation date. (or PO date)

  • PO Status – This is a TRX defined field to let you know the status of the purchase order.

  • Discount %- If the entire PO is going to have a discount percent applied to it you can enter it here.

  • Vendor - The vendor is whom this purchase order will be sent to or who you will be buying from. You can enter the vendor number if you know it or press the F9 button and you will be taken to the Find Vendor screen so you can look the vendor up.

Choose your vendor and press the Tab key. Once the vendor is selected, the default information for that vendor will auto populate into the remaining fields. The default "Send PO To" will be your first stop. This is the contact name the PO will be sent to, this is set up in AP Vendor setup for this vendor. There may be more than one option so you can tab through the field to accept or use the F9 key to see your options.

  • Send PO to – This is the address of the vendor or where you send your orders to.

  • Ship items to - Is a default that is set up in the purchasing set up PUR > Purchasing Special Functions > Purchasing setup > Tab #2 Defaults. This is where the items that you are purchasing will be sent. Normally this would be your warehouse but it can be changed to any ship to that you have defined. If you do not see the option that you need in the F9 lookup, a new one can be created at PUR > Purchasing Special Functions > Ship to Addresses.

  • Ship Via - is the next default box and that will also be a purchasing setup default. This would be how the items will be shipped to your warehouse or location; you can choose the default or F9 for a list. If the means of shipping that you need is not on the list you can create them at AR > AR Special Functions > Ship to Codes.

  • Buyer - This is the person who is purchasing for the company and that is also a default setup item for each vendor and can be changed. If you do not see the person you need on the buyer list when you F9 you can add them at PUR > Purchasing Special Functions > Buyers.

  • Terms – Terms are specific to the vendor, they will default in from the vendor's setup in the AR Vendor setup screen. These are the terms that the vendor gives you and will determine when this PO receipt invoice will start showing on the vendor aging report.

  • FOB code is your Freight On Board status and there will not be a default in this box you will have to add one. The FOB list is set up in the SYS menu at SYS > FOB Codes Setup.

This is the last of the general information that will be entered on the main tab. When you press Enter or Tab you will be taken to the Misc. tab to enter more information. 

Miscellaneous Tab

  • Partial Receive - By checking this box you will be allowing this PO to not be fully received at one time. If left uncheck the receiving of this PO will be an all or nothing proposition.

  • Confirming PO - you will be stating that this PO is a confirmation of a verbal order.

  • Print Line Item Costs on PO - to show line item costs on a purchase order you would need to check this box. This will default to yes.

  • Print Vendor Part Numbers - On the Line item detail (the lower box with all the tabs) there is another misc. tab. IT is here that the vendor part numbers show on the PO entry screen. If you would like those part numbers to show on the purchase order you need to mark this box.

  • User ID - will automatically put in the ID of whoever placed this order and the cursor will not hit this field.

  • Flex Fields – If you have any flex fields setup in purchasing setup they will show here. In the example above the flex field is "Old PO Number"

  • On Receipt, Email buyer with - This field is deceiving; in this field you place the name of an email template* that has been set up in SYS > Email Templates if you would like the buyer to be notified when received. *The template must be an “Automated Template” to be eligible

  • Customer Order – If this order was tied to a customer sales order (drop ship, Gen PO, or auto PO) the order tie will show here.

  • Ship to Address - The complete ship to address for the PO is displayed here, it cannot be changed here it must be changed ion the Main tab at shit Items to box, this is just so you can verify the complete ship to.

  • Cancelled By – If this PO has been cancelled the user ID that cancelled it will be shown here

  • Cancel Date – The date the PO was cancelled

Shipping Marks

After the comments tab you will be taken to the shipping Marks tab where you will enter any shipping marks. These are optional and are used to signify if the items on this PO are specified for an order or project. 

PO Comments Tab

There are two fields on the PO Comments tab:

  • PO comments - Here you will type in any comments that you would like to leave for yourself on the Purchase Order. There is an option in purchasing setup that you can turn on to have these comments print on the actual PO.

  • AP comments - Field is where you will leave comments for the Accounts Payable department. Any comments that are typed in here will display on the voucher screen for AP to see in the form of a pop-up box when they enter the vendor name.

History Tab

This tab will give you an order history for this vendor outlining previous POs, the items on them, how many were bought and for how much. 

Notes Tab

This is where you would enter information that you would want to travel with this purchase order. By checking the public button you will make this information available to everyone. 

Doc Notes

Doc notes are different from regular notes as they can be added to a purchase order even after it has been printed out and processed. These notes will print after the last line item in the middle of the purchase order in bold printing. They were developed to be a way to use traveling documents as a means of communication. 

Purchase order Line Item Detail

The bottom half of the PO entry screens is the real reason you are here. This is where you add the items that you need to purchase. Entering items on a purchase order is just like entering items on an order. Your curser will default to the first line; you can type your item number here or press F9 to go to the find item screen. There are also some hidden features here that are very useful. By right clicking on the line item field a new menu appears offering you the following menus:

  • Detail Search – this will call the find item screen so that you can do a detail search of the whole TRX database of items.

  • Properties – Clicking on the properties menu when there is an item on the line will take you to an item query screen for that item. This screen will give you all the costs and attributes associated to this item.

  • Show Quantities – If there is an item in the line when you right click this screen will tell you how many of these items are on order, allocated, on hand and available for each warehouse.

  • Substitutions – in item set up there is a tab that allows you to set substitute items for the parent item. If there are any viable substitutions for this item they will display on this screen as well as to what warehouse they are in.

  • Help – never choose this option.

  •  Line Number – The line number of this PO

  • AQ Line # - If a PO was from a project you will see the AQ Line # listed here

  • ACD – ACD stands for Add, Change, Delete: If the line was added after processing, Changed or Deleted the appropriate symbol will be here. By clicking one time on the ACD icon next to the item description you can clear markings from the PO.

  • Line item – Individual items that you would like to put to the order press enter. Type an inventory item or press F9 for a list.

  • Description - This field will default in from the item setup but it can be changed here for the current PO only.

  • Qty Received – If the PO has been received you will see the amount that have been received in this block.

QTY's and Cost Tab

  • Qty Ordered - This is the field that you will add the qty that you are ordering.

  • Unit of Measure Box - In the vendor tab of item setup there is a purchase unit declared this is the unit of measure that will default into this box. You can order any unit that is defined in the item setup's unit of measure tab. You can F9 for your options.

  • Unit cost – is the amount you will be paying for the item based on the unit of measure that you have chosen when you press enter or tab the extended amount will populate. It is the calculation of how much you are ordering by the unit cost

  • Warehouse – this is the warehouse you will be receiving the items into. If you have multiple warehouses make sure the correct warehouse defaults into this field.

  • Tolerance – The cursor will skip over the tolerance field but it you need to limit the amount of item that are received over the ordered amount you can set tolerance. If you set a tolerance of ten percent on a ten-piece order the receiving department will not be allowed to receive over eleven items.

  • Discount – if there is a discount percent on an individual item and not the whole PO you can add that here.

Projects/Drop Ship Tab

The second tab is conditional tab it will have different information for drop ship and project PO's. If this were a Projects PO this tab would have the information needed to tie the PO to a project. This information is created automatically when you create a PO using the create PO function inside of the material plan of a project.

  • Project Number that the PO belongs to, its task, sub-task (which is set in project setup) will all populate at creation. There are also four check boxes that further define the PO and project relation.

    • Mark – Marks the PO with markings of the projects

    • Bill – Is this item to be considered billable

    • Freight – This check box will denote if the line item is a freight line item

    • Install – this check box will denote if the item is an install

  • Tax which is a yes (Y) or no (N) option

  • AQ Line item - The AQ line item and TRX line items are synonymous. Each project item will have a line item number and this is where it gets displayed on the Purchase Order if it is a project purchase order.

For PO's tied to orders the PO will show:

  • Order Number – the order the PO line item is from, this will be a drop down field

  • Line number – the line number of the order that this item is from

  • Type – the type of PO gen PO-Drop ship PO or Auto PO


The next tab that you have on the line item detail section is the Dimensions tab. If an item has dimensions defined in the item setup they will populate into this tab. This information will be exported in a file that can be used by our UPS World Ship interface if you are using it. Items that do not have this information can be edited at INV > Enter change Item. The item weight will be for an individual item and the extended weight will calculate the total amount for the line item. The total weight of the order will be the summation of the extended weights. The weight, height, length and width can all be entered into this field. 

GL Accounts

Every transaction in TRX has a general ledger trail associated with it. The G/L accounts tab will let you see which general ledger accounts will be affected by this transaction when it is received. In the example above the receipt will trigger a debit to the 1200 inventory branch 1 account and a credit to the inventory accrual branch 1 account. Every PO receipt will hit an inventory account and an accrual account.  
The dates tab will hold the Date Promised and Date Expected, these dates default in from the PO general information that you have already entered but it can be changed if needed. If dates are entered here they will

Miscellaneous Tab

On the Miscellaneous Tab you will find the line comments that are imported in from the item setup and a check box that will determine if the comments will print on the purchase order or not. Also you will find the vendor's part number. On the item setup, vendors tab; each vendor has a box for part number, which is the number that will default into this box. 
Note: there is a setup function in purchasing setup that will default to the manufacturer's part number if a vendors part number does not exist. 

Uncancel PO Lines

The misc tab shows the Qty Cancelled for each line. You can actually uncancel the lines from here. Simply right-click on the Qty Cancelled and select Uncancel Item. Then you can select to uncancel All, Some, or None.



Receipts Tab

The receipts tab is where you can see if the item has been received by whom and when the receipt happened. 

Revisions Tab

Estimated Freight

For a full guide on Estimated Freight, see Estimated Freight

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