Project Aging Reports

Project Aging Reports

Table of Contents


     Same principle as the Vendor Aging Report just for aging as it relates to projects. The project aging report shows the balance for each project grouped by vendor and the number of days the account is overdue. For each project a total of outstanding documents are also displayed. The user may choose any aging date and the documents that are outstanding at the time are included on the report. There are options to print the report as a summary, which displays only vendor totals.

     Another checkbox allows the user to print documents that occur after the aging date. Otherwise only transactions that occurred before the aging date will be included on the report. The Print document notes checkbox will print any notes entered on the Voucher Query screen about the invoice/voucher, on the aging report just below the document. The notes will not print if summary report is printed. 


  • Starting and Ending Vendor – choose a single vendor or print a range, you can also leave blank to print all

  • Starting and Ending Project – single project, range of projects or blank for all.

  • Aging Date – You can set a date for the aging report, it will default to the current date but if changed it will print anything that at that date had an aging record.

  • Sort By – There are many options to sort the display of the report by.

  • Aging Report Format – Should the report be summary or detail.

  • Base Aging On – will the aging be based on invoice date or Due date, this will default to your AP setup but can be changed.

  • Only Vendors with Overdue Balances – When this box is checked you will only see aging events that are overdue.

  • Print Voucher detail – When this box is checked voucher information will be included

  • Print Voucher Notes – Any notes from voucher will print on the report when this is checked