Check Runs

Check Runs


The TRX A/P module uses a vouchering system to allow many people to requisition payments by creating vouchers, but it is up to the few that have permission to create checks which voucher will become checks and when. Checks or payable instruments can be created six ways in TRX Enterprise.

  1. On a check Run

  2. On a Quick Check Run

  3. By a Quick Check

  4. By a Buyers Group Check

  5. Through Credit Card Payments

  6. Through ACH payments

The Check runs menu will deal specifically with the first two of these methods and the ways to manage them. All vouchers are initially stored in a check run, but they can be pulled down to any of the five other payment methods. Check runs are usually utilized most by larger companies that have set times and routines for check creation. Smaller companies may want to make one check run for the last day of the year and simply use this for voucher storage and pull the vouchers into a more on-demand quick check run, or quick check process. 

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