Void Checks

Void Checks


The Void Checks screen allows damaged checks, returned checks or checks that will not be cashed for other reasons to be voided. When a check is voided, any vouchers that it paid are re-opened for payment and placed on the next available Check run. 

Voiding Checks Guide - Single and Batch Process

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to Void AP Checks:

  1. Open the Void Checks screen

    1. A/P>Void Checks>Enter Void Checks

  2. Fill out the information

    1. Void date - The date you want the Check to be invalidated

    2. Reschedule Payment On - Date the Voucher needs to be paid

    3. Bank - The bank the check went into

    4. Check # - The check you want to void. Hit F9 for a list

    5. Description - Why the check was voided

  3. Once it is filled out, Process the Void

    1. For single Void, hit the Lightning Bolt on the Entry screen to process

    2. For Batch, Save and process under “Process Void screen

      1. A/P>Void Checks>Process Void Checks




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