Audit Order Deposits
Audit Order Deposits
A deposit can be on an order, On Account, or converted to a Credit. Previously, you could only have it on an order or as a Credit on Account. This has caused some confusion.
When an Order with a Deposit is cancelled, the deposit is moved to On Account. On Account, means it is on the Customer as a deposit, but it isn’t applied to a Sales Order or open document on the Customer statement.
The two best places to audit what happened are on the Order Query Change screen under the Deposits tab ORD>Order Query Change, and the Customer Account Inquiry screen, under the Deposits tab A/R>A/R Inquiry>Customer Account Inquiry.
See Transfer Deposits for an in-depth rundown of Transfer Types and how to transfer.
ORD>Order Query Change | Deposits tab
Inquiry>Customer Account Inquiry | Deposits tab