TRX Concepts and Guides

TRX Concepts and Guides

Table of Contents


TRX Concepts pages provide setup and troubleshooting guides throughout the system. They are found under their respective modules in the manual, but here they are listed all-together.

G/L Concepts

General Ledger Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

A/R Concepts

Accounts Receivable Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

A/P Concepts

Accounts Payable Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

BNK Concepts

Bank Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

P/A Concepts

Projects Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

INV Concepts

Inventory Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

PUR Concepts

Purchasing Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

ORD Concepts

Order Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

POS Concepts

Point of Sales Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

PRD Concepts

Productions Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

AQ API Concepts

AQ API Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

FEDA API Concepts

FEDA API Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.

SYS Concepts

System Setup and Troubleshooting Guides.