Reverse Invoice

Reverse Invoice

Table of Contents


The Reverse Invoice screen is an easy way to accomplish some complicated tasks.  This screen automates the process of reversing an invoice, reversing and rebilling with tax and reversing and rebilling without tax. 

For an in-depth guide to fixing processed Invoices, see Fix Processed Invoices.


Reverse an invoice

The manual process of reversing and invoice requires you to create a credit memo against the invoice, and then zero out the invoice and credit memo by doing a zero dollar cash receipt.  If you need to reverse a partial invoice you will have to zero out and re-invoice the correct lines – All these steps are done by processing this in this screen

Reverse and Re-bill with or w/o Tax

The time savings is even greater with these two items.  Let us say you have shipped and billed the client when you realize you have billed the job with tax and should not have.  Now you have to create a credit memo, apply it against the invoice in a zero dollar cash receipt, do an RMA for every item on the invoice (think 300 item order) and then reship and re-invoice correctly – Or just reverse and re-bill without tax in this screen.

Note: If a payment or a credit has been posted against an invoice you will not be able to use this screen, and will have to process the old fashion way, manually.

Fields/Screen Overview

  • Original invoice – this the field where you declare which invoice will need to be reversed

  • Transaction Date – this will default to the invoice transaction date unless the invoice was created in a period that is now closed.  You cannot reverse and invoice from a closed period, you will have to re-open that period.

  • Tax Authority – that is the tax authority that was used on the original invoice.

The center of the reverse invoice screen will show the amounts of the invoices that you are changing.  The document will fill in from the original invoice you entered above, as well as the date and the original tax authority.  You will have the option of including shipping charges in the reversal by checking the check box.  To the right of the field there will be a net, shipping tax and total amounts of the invoice.

The Reverse Invoice screen is a new addition to AR module this screen was created as an easy way to accomplish some complicated tasks.  This screen automates the process of reversing an invoice, reversing and rebilling with tax and reversing and rebilling without tax. 

This is the line item detail for the invoice that you will be reversing.  You can place a check by each line item that you would like to reverse.

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