Renumber Vendors

Renumber Vendors

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At some point vendors may need to be renumbered to be more consecutive. Part of the vendor name can be used as the vendor number and can make it easier for users to remember vendor numbers. 
The Renumber Vendors screen allows renumbering of the vendors either numerically or using part of the vendor's name. Both methods put the vendors in alphabetical order according to the vendor name. 

A/P > Vendors > Renumber Vendors

One note of caution, if vendors are renumbered, make sure all users who enter vendor numbers are notified of the change. A report is available to print that shows the old vendor number and new vendor number. The report is printed as part of the renumbering process.
When using the Use Names button to renumber the vendors by name, all special characters are ignored and only characters A-Z and numbers 0-9 are used. 
***Be absolutely sure you want to renumber your vendors, as it cannot be undone.*** 
To Renumber Vendors

  • Choose Renumber Vendors from the Vendors submenu of the APY menu. All of the vendors are displayed and renumbered numerically.

  • To renumber the vendors based on the vendor name, click on the Use Names button.

  • A vendor number can be manually entered.

  • Click on the Print icon 

     to print the Vendor Renumber report showing the old and new vendor numbers. The report is sorted in the same order as the vendors are shown on the screen.

  • When the user is satisfied with the new numbers, click on the Update Vendors icon 

    on the toolbar. Make sure a report is printed since it cannot be printed after the update.

  • Click on Yes when asked "Are you are sure you want to renumber the vendors?"


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