Vendor Account Inquiry

Vendor Account Inquiry

Table of Contents


The Vendor Account inquiry is used to view the activity on a vendor's account. Like all query screens in TRX Enterprise™ it is blue and cannot be edited. Many times TRX will be set up to let only key people edit vendor information, but the majority of users will be able to view Vendor Account information through the vendor account inquiry screen.


A/P > Vendors > Vendor Account Inquiry 

To view a vendor's account activity you will need to enter the vendor number into the screen header. Type in a vendor number or press F9 to get to the Find a Vendor screen.

  • Vendor Number – the number that the vendor is known by in TRX

  • Vendor Name – the name of the vendor that was entered into the Vendor setup Screen

  • Terms – The payment terms that are assigned to the vendor on the enter/edit screen

  • Aging – On the right, the Current, Over 30, Over 60, Over 90, Over 120, Total Outstanding make up our aging section. This allows the user to quickly see where a Vendor's account stands.

Outstanding documents

 The first Tab that appears for you is the Outstanding Documents tab. This will show any vouchers that are still open for this vendor on the top half of the screen and the detail of that voucher on the bottom. As always in TRX any screen that has a dark grey box can be double clicked on and drilled down to the individual document. In the detail screen you can drill down to see the Voucher and Check query screens.

Open RMA's

If the vendor has any Vendor RMA's open for them you will be able to see them in this screen.

  • RMA # - field is a drill down field that will allow you to see the RMA query screen. The RMA query screen is where you would add a close or cancel date to remove the item from the open RMA list.

  • RMA Date - This is the date of the RMA

  • RMA Amount - This shows the open RMA Amount

Vendor History

The vendor history will show you all transactions for this vendor - closed or open. The blank fields in the middle can be used to enter the data that you are looking for so you do not have to wade through tons of information. The information in the history screen is also sort-able by using the "Sort By" drop-down in the upper right corner. 
Note: although they do not show as dark grey in this example the voucher field and the check number field (when a check is present) are drill down fields. 

PO Receipts

The PO receipts screen will allow you to see any purchase orders that have been received for this vendor as well as the vouchers that were used to pay the for the Purchase order. Both the voucher and Purchase order fields are drill down fields.


The final tab on the vendor enter/edit screen is the notes tab. Here you can enter notes that will travel with this vendor. You will be able to see when they were created and from which department they originated. You can check the public box so that all may see them, however if the notes are only for you they will only show up when it is your user ID that is accessing the record. 

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