Uninvoiced Receipts Report Removal
Uninvoiced Receipts Report Removal
After an invoice is received, it will show under the Uninvoiced Receipts report until an Invoice is applied to it. This is normally taken care of using a Voucher, but sometimes, you aren’t actually going to receive an invoice. In this case, we can mark it as invoiced without entering an Invoice.
Create an invoice for the record using the Invoice Receipts screen.
Go to the Invoice Receipts screen - PUR>PO Receiving Processing>Invoice Receipts
Enter your PO number and waybill or hit F9 to find them
Enter the Invoice number (you can make one up, if you don’t have a reference)
Confirm the Invoice Date
Hit the “Invoice …” button
Say yes to the Prompt
The Receipt should no longer be on your Uninvoiced Receipts Report