Uninvoiced Receipts

Uninvoiced Receipts


The Uninvoiced Receipts Report provides a listing of all purchase orders that have been received but not yet vouchered for payment. This is report is important to the month end and day to day management as it is important to know what you have in your possession that you have not yet paid for. We suggest that you review this report on a regular basis.


  • Starting and Ending Vendor - press F9 for a list of vendors or leave blank to print ALL vendors

  • Starting and Ending Buyer - press F9 for a list of buyers or leave blank to print ALL buyers

  • As of Date - this will pull Uninvoiced receipts based on the invoiced date, this means if you choose a date your will get a report of what was Uninvoiced on that date – even if it is invoiced now.

PUR > Purchasing Reports > Uninvoiced receipts