PO Receiver Report

PO Receiver Report


The Purchase order Receiver report is a report that you can print out for you warehouse stockers so that they can sign items into inventory from a truck delivery without using a TRX consul. This report is purchase order and therefor vendor specific and will list the items that are due to be received into inventory. It will list the items and full descriptions, PO notes, stocking locations if they are set up and has a spot for a receiver to mark the amount received, refused and back ordered.


  • Starting and Ending PO – You can print the receiver one or a range of purchase orders

  • Starting and ending project – you can print Purchase orders that are tied to specific projects

  • User Id – Limits reports printed to the person that created the report.

  • Print Item Labels – checking this box will print Item labels to accompany the receiver report

  • Print Box Labels – Checking this box will print box labels for these items.

  • Item Label Printer – The printer that you would like to print the labels to, label printers are usually different from the normal printer

  • Print BO Release Report – Checking this box will print out a second Backorder Release report that will let the warehouse know which items fulfilled backorders and what order number/customer they should go to.

  • Suppress drop shipments – checking this box will take all purchase orders that are drop ship out of the print run; these are items that will be received on location and not in the warehouse.

PUR>PO Receiving Processing>Purchase Order Receiver Report