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The Check Inquiry screen is used to view checks and check detail. You are able to query checks by any of the five white boxes below (check #, Check Date, Vendor, Check Amount and Bank). From this screen you can also access the vendor's information and voucher query screen through drill down menus.


To View A Check

  1. Choose Checks from A/P > A/P Inquiry > Checks. This will open the Check Query screen.

  2. Enter the number of the check to be viewed. (or a check date, vendor #, Check amount, or bank)

  3. Press enter or F8.

  4. All checks with your search criteria will be found. Use the Blue Scroll Arrows on your tool bar or arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate through checks that meet your criteria.

All vouchers that make up this check will display in the detail section of the screen. You can double-click on a voucher number to drill down into the details of those vouchers. 

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