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The Voucher Inquiry screen is used to view vouchers. The only information that can be changed on this screen is the notes on the Notes tab.

A/P > A/P Inquiry > A/P Voucher Query

To View A Voucher

  • Go to A/P > A/P Inquiry > Vouchers/Invoices. This will open the Voucher Query screen.

  • Enter the number of the voucher to be viewed.

  • Press 'Enter'.

Finding a Voucher When the Voucher Number Is Unknown
Use the Voucher Query screen to find vouchers by criteria other than the voucher number. Any of the white entry fields on the screen can be used to search for vouchers.

  • Go to A/P > A/P Inquiry > Vouchers/Invoices. This will open the Voucher Query screen.

  • Enter the search criteria in the appropriate fields

  • Click on the Enter/Execute Query on the toolbar or press F8.

Any vouchers matching the criteria will be displayed, one at a time. Use the blue scroll arrows on the toolbar or the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through the vouchers until the correct one is found.

Voucher Detail – Main Tab

The main tab in the voucher detail section will show you:

  • The Voucher line type (GL, PO, Pre Pay PO, RMA, PJA, or SO Freight)

  • The PO that voucher paid, if any ( this field will be drill down enabled)

  • A way bill, if any

  • The GL and GL description if this was a GL line type

  • Use tax amount if you are using use tax

  • Line amount

Voucher Detail - Projects

If the voucher was a PJA line type than the project specific information will show:

  • Project Number and title

  • A task, sub-task, and description that the voucher can be applied to (This information is defined in project setup)

Voucher Detail – Credit Usage

This detail screen will show the Check Date, Check Number, and Amount of any credit used by this voucher if it were a pre-paid PO line type. 

Voucher Detail - SO Frieght

If the voucher was an SO Freight line type, this tab would show the order number that the voucher was referencing back to and the amount of charge back to the sales person, if any. 

Under "Payments Scheduled" you can double-click on the date to view the check run the voucher is scheduled for payment on. Under "Payments Made" you can double-click on a check number to drill down to the check to view the details that was used to pay the voucher. 

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