Create Quick Check Runs

Create Quick Check Runs

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Normally, vouchers are scheduled onto check runs as they are entered. You can also reschedule vouchers using the View/Edit Check Runs screen. A Quick Check Run allows quick creation of a new check run and moves vouchers to this new check run for immediate printing using the Print Checks screen. This would be used as the "I would like to print these checks today option."


The Create Quick Check Run screen is divided into two sections. The top section displays all unpaid vouchers. Use the white search fields at the top of the screen to search for specific vouchers or groups of vouchers. The bottom section of the screen shows the vouchers that have been placed on the quick check run.

To Create a Quick Check Run

Go to A/P > Check Runs > Quick Check Runs

  • Double-click on the voucher in the top section to add it to the quick check run. Use the white search fields on the top of the screen to search for specific groups of vouchers.

  • If the user wishes to include all of the displayed vouchers on the quick check run, click on the Select All button. This moves all of the displayed vouchers onto the quick check run.

To Create Two Checks for the Same Vendor

There may be times when a voucher needs to be paid on a check by itself regardless of other vouchers for the same vendor. Use the C/D column on the far right side of the check run. This is the Check Designator field. Normally the C/D column is left blank and all vouchers for the same vendor will be paid on the same check. If there is a voucher that needs to be placed on a check by itself, simply enter a letter of the alphabet in this column next to the voucher that is to be paid on a separate check.

To Clear the Check Run

If the user wishes to remove all vouchers from the Quick Check run and start over, simply click on the Remove All button. This will place the vouchers back on their original check run.

Creating a Run for a Specific Vendor

Use the Quick Check Run screen to create a quick run of all vouchers for a specific vendor. Simply enter the vendor number in the Vendor search field at the top of the screen and press tab. This will display all unpaid vouchers for the vendor. Then click on the Select All button to move all of the displayed vouchers onto the check run.
Once you have created the Quick Check Run, use the Print Checks screen to print the checks.

A/P > Check Runs > Create Quick Check Runs


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