Print Checks
Table of Contents
There are several ways to print checks using TRX Enterprise. The most common method is to print a check run. This groups all of the vouchers scheduled on the run by vendor and issues one check for the vendor.
Printing a check run
Choose a check run by double clicking on the check run box (A pop up box with all scheduled check runs will appear)
Choose the date to be printed on the checks
The bank that the checks will be written off of
Change the starting check number if necessary.
Press the Create & Print Checks icon.
Reprint Checks
In a perfect world your checks will never jam or be placed in the printer upside down. A perfect world sure would be a nice place to work in!
When bad things happen Press the no icon to re-print. Type the last check to print correctly in the Last good check box. – press OK
When prompted choose the "Reprint Jammed/Unprinted Checks" icon – choose Ok
Rinse and repeat as needed.