Print Checks

Print Checks

Table of Contents


There are several ways to print checks using TRX Enterprise. The most common method is to print a check run. This groups all of the vouchers scheduled on the run by vendor and issues one check for the vendor. 


A/P > Check Runs > Print Checks

Printing a check run

  • Choose a check run by double clicking on the check run box (A pop up box with all scheduled check runs will appear)

  • Choose the date to be printed on the checks

  • The bank that the checks will be written off of

  • Change the starting check number if necessary.

  • Press the Create & Print Checks icon.


Reprint Checks

In a perfect world your checks will never jam or be placed in the printer upside down. A perfect world sure would be a nice place to work in!

When bad things happen Press the no icon to re-print. Type the last check to print correctly in the Last good check box. – press OK

When prompted choose the "Reprint Jammed/Unprinted Checks" icon – choose Ok

Rinse and repeat as needed.