Preliminary Check Report
Table of Contents
The Preliminary Check report is used to view the vouchers to be paid by a specified check run. The report is useful in determining the amount of cash necessary for a check run. The report shows each voucher for each vendor with totals by vendor. The total of all vouchers at the end of the report shows the total disbursements scheduled on the check run. The Check Run Total indicates the total of all actual checks excluding any negative checks. Negative checks are those, which have more credit than normal vouchers. Negative checks are never printed and will be moved to another check run when the checks print.
To Print the Preliminary Check Report
Go to A/P > Check Runs > Print Preliminary Check Report.
Choose the check run date. Press F9 for a list of check runs.
If you wish to include vouchers that have been placed on hold, check the checkbox.
Choose to sort the report by vendor number or vendor name.
Click on the Print icon on the toolbar.