Receipts by Waybill
Any time a receipt is made in the Purchasing receive items screen a way bill is created. You have the option of assigning your own number or TRX will automatically create one for you. The waybill is what allows TRX to tie the receipt to a PO for vouchering in AP. A PO can have multiple Waybills if its items are received at different times. This report will list the items as they were received by waybill. You can also use this screen to reprint box labels for waybill that have been received.
To reprint Waybills you will need to choose a starting and ending waybill, after you do this you will be able to choose a label format radio button and then press the printer icon to reprint the labels. If you do not choose a label format you will get the normal receipts by waybill report.
Starting and Ending Vendor - press F9 for a list of vendors or leave blank to print ALL vendors
Starting and Ending PO's – You can pull this report by PO or range of PO's leave blank for all.
Starting and Ending Waybill – This report can be pulled by a single Waybill or range of Waybills, leave blank for all.
Starting and Ending Project – Waybills can be pulled by project or range of project.
User ID – By entering a user ID you will only get waybills created (Items Received) by this user, leave blank for all.
Starting and Ending Date – This report can be pulled by a range of dates.