Item Stock outs

Item Stock outs


The item stock outs report shows items that are being tracked for stock outs and the number of times the item has been out of stock during the time period specified for the report. Detail can be printed which prints each stock out occurrence with the date the item was out of stock and the date which the item was then in stock again along with the number of days the item was out of stocked.


For items that are out of stock at the time the report is printed, the number of days the item is out of stock is based on the date the report is printed. The system does track day and time for the number of days an item is out of stock. Some items may show the same Stock Out and Stock in Dates, but one may show a number of days as 18.9 and another 19.0. This is a result of one item being received earlier in the day than another. 

INV>Reports>Item Stock-outs
  • Starting and Ending Item – You can choose an item or range of items to report on

  • Starting and Ending warehouse - You can choose a warehouse or range of warehouses to look in for reporting.

  • Start and End Date – the time period that you would like to pull stock outs from.

  • Show Detail – Will add the detail to the report of stock out dates

Tracking stock outs is controlled on an item-by-item level by checking the "Stock outs" attribute on the items attribute tab. Once done a box will appear on the lower left corner of warehouse tab and it will track the date and time the item goes out of stock and is replenished. Checking this box is not retroactive, you will not get a history for the item upon checking the attribute box.