Dead Inventory

Dead Inventory


Dead inventory are active items, with a quantity on hand, that are sold to customers, but that have not been sold or issued to customers within a specified time frame. This report will look at inventory transactions and determines an item is dead if there are no sales order shipments, purchase order receipts, or issues to projects after the date specified on the report. 

INV>Reports>Dead Inventory Report
  • Start date - The amount of days you would like to go back. If there is no inventory movement within the date specified and current date the item will show on the report.

  • Starting and Ending Category - A range of item categories to be included in the report

  • Starting and Ending Warehouse - Warehouse locations can also be specified.

  • Manufacturer – you can choose to print this report for a specific manufacturer

  • Include "obsolete when out of stock items" that are on hand – by checking this box any item that is on hand in our inventory but listed as obsolete when out of stock will show on the report.

  • Include items not marked as keep in stock that are on hand – When this box is checked any item that is in inventory and not allocated that does not have the attribute keep in stocked checked will show on the report.

  • Use quantity available rather than quantity on hand - when checked this report will be based off of the quantity that is available rather than the quantity that is on hand. (Quantity available takes into account allocations)

The quantity on hand, cost, and extended cost are shown for each item with subtotals by item category with a grand total at the end of the report. This shows the dollar value of the dead inventory. Note that only items marked as sold to customers are stocked and active will be considered for the report. Transferring items from warehouses should not be considered a sale and will not remove an item from the dead inventory report.